Felix Burns

Felix Burns (1863-1920) was a prolific composer of light classical solos, dance music and marching tunes for the military band. He was born in Perth, Scotland, but lived most of his adult life just over the border, in Carlisle.

Mr Burns was a popular performer, bandmaster, teacher and church organist, as well as having thirteen children with his wife, Kate. Sadly, four died in childhood. Mr Burns taught his own children; sons Felix junior, Fred and Leo led bands of their own, while Winifred worked as a cinema pianist. Eldest daughter Catherine often played her father's compositions at home.

Felix always had the up-and-coming musician in mind; there is a great selection of his easy-to-intermediate pieces on this site.

His 16 dance albums each present a complete dance programme, suitable for the intermediate player. Though written for the piano (with cornet and violin parts were also available), many of the pieces lend themselves to the very different style and temperament of the accordion. Some, like the Queen Mary Waltz, found a new lease of life in the hands of Jimmy Shand in the 1950s; others are waiting to be rediscovered and interpreted for a new audience.


Mr Burns sometimes published music under different names; pieces by Leona Lacoste and Claud Rosalind are available on this site. 

He also used the name of Leon Fabrina; three pieces were in the possession of Leo Burns, Felix's youngest son.  I have not yet been able to add any to my collection.  

Felix's cousin, P Charles Carragher, in his book Fairport from the Footlights, refers to Alfred Roslin as Felix's professional name as a young pianist.   I have not yet uncovered the names of any compositions published under this name.


To find out more about Felix Burns, the man, his life and his music, why not take a look at the biography by Kim Tame?

Felix Burns products available to download


Single pieces


Albert Victor Waltz - PIANO

Albert Victor Waltz - LEAD SHEET 


Boating on the Danube - PIANO

Boating on the Danube - LEAD SHEET


Darling Mona - PIANO

Darling Mona - LEAD SHEET


Drum Major, The - PIANO

Drum Major, The - LEAD SHEET


En Fête March - PIANO

En Fête March - LEAD SHEET


Fairy Dell - PIANO

Fairy Dell - LEAD SHEET


Fairy Harpist PIANO


First Violet Schottische - PIANO

First Violet Schottische - LEAD SHEET


Gay Dragoon, The - PIANO

Gay Dragoon, The - LEAD SHEET


Gay Paris - PIANO

Gay Paris - LEAD SHEET


Heliotrope (Leona Lacoste) - PIANO

Heliotrope (Leona Lacoste) - LEAD SHEET


Hilarity Polka - PIANO

Hilarity Polka - LEAD SHEET


Intermezzo - PIANO

Intermezzo - LEAD SHEET


Ivanhoe Waltz - PIANO

Ivanhoe Waltz - LEAD SHEET


Jutland, The - PIANO

Jutland, The - LEAD SHEET



Kneller Hall March - PIANO

Kneller Hall March - LEAD SHEET


Le Soir - PIANO



Lochnavar - PIANO

Lochnavar - LEAD SHEET


March in C, The Marlborough - PIANO

March in C, The Marlborough - LEAD SHEET


May Queen - PIANO



Meadow Flowers - PIANO

Meadow Flowers - LEAD SHEET


Mignonette - PIANO

Mignonette - LEAD SHEET


Modesta - PIANO

Modesta - LEAD SHEET


Moonlight on the alps - PIANO

Moonlight on the alps - LEAD SHEET


Coming soon;

Olympia Gavotte


Pantomime Schottische

Poppyland waltz

Queen Mary Waltz, The

Sons of Britannia

Sparkling diamonds

Star of the North

Sweet Phyllis

Touch Not Polka

Trooping the Colours

Un chant d'amour

Uncle Sam

Wide Awake Polka - LEAD SHEET

Woodland Flowers